Xander James - "Music Is The Highest Form Of Self-Expression" Xander James d(•_•)b www.XanderJamesDJ.com Music connoisseur, delivering a unique dance music experience... House dj & music producer; visionary, entrepreneur & humanist. Colleagues describe him as the human dance music encyclopedia. Driven by his passion for music - an obsession for timeless melodies - Xander loves [...]
DJ Jes - "We All Had Obstacles We Had To Go Through" S&S: What's your style of music? How do you describe it? DJ Jes: I play Dance music and the best way I can describe it is that it's a sound that contains DJ tribal beats with grungy Basslines,Soulful Vocals and Bass pounding drum beats that keep you on the dance floor. S&S: Who or what was most instrumental to you when it came to [...]